School districts are required as part of their federal requirements to code and report how students exit special education.
Code 210
- A student who completed the district requirements for a regular or advanced high school diploma (see definition of regular high school diploma below). 34 C.F.R.§200.19(b)(1)(iv)A “regular high school diploma” means the standard high school diploma awarded to students in a District that is fully aligned with the State’s academic content standards and district diploma requirements. Does not include a GED credential, certificate of attendance, or any alternative award. The term “regular high school diploma” also includes a “higher diploma” that is awarded to students who complete requirements above and beyond what is required for a regular diploma. A student with disabilities may be included in this category through receipt of a high school diploma based on regular diploma requirements identical to that for which students without disabilities are eligible. DOES NOT INCLUDE: Students that completed their IEP but did not meet regular diploma requirements (see code 211).
Code 211
- A student that received a high school diploma based on alternative graduation requirements that are not fully aligned with a State’s academic content standards or district requirements. This may include students that complete their IEP but do not meet the district’s regular diploma requirements (see definition of regular high school diploma in code 210).
This could be at any time up to the year in which the student reaches age 21.
Code 208
- A student who passed the age for which the state guarantees a free, appropriate public education and subsequently exited school.
- Students reported as 208 Maximum Age will be treated the same as 202 Dropout for Graduation Cohort and Dropout purposes.
An IEP team determines that the student has not met goals and objective and district graduation requirements necessary to meet the student’s post-secondary goals.
Students who do not complete their IEP goals and objectives before age 21, is a difficult situation for the school and the family, and especially the student.
The district will want to maintain documentation through the IEP process that the program was reviewed and there was program intervention that addressed the issues and results.
If the student had the need for related or supplementary aides and services, they were identified and supports that could help the student access those services were identified and addressed.
Code 202
- A student who withdrew for personal or academic reasons and does not have a signed Withdrawal from Mandatory Attendance form pursuant to Nebraska Revised Statue 79-202 on file with the district.
- A student removed from the education system for reasons other than health, and whose return is not anticipated.
- A student enrolled in adult education or some type of program (example: GED) whose education services do not lead to a diploma or other credential recognized by the state.
- A student who has not graduated or completed an approved program and is not enrolled and whose status is unknown; this includes a student withdrawn from the rolls for excessive absence.
- A student who moved out of the district, out of state, or out of U.S. and is not known to be in school (includes any student whose education status cannot be confirmed either through a parent or other responsible adult or through some formal notification of transfer.)
- A student in an institution that is not primarily educational (Army, or vocational program) and not considered a special school district/system.
- A student who is dis-enrolled by a parent and does not enroll in another district/system.
- A student who was suspended or expelled and the disciplinary period has expired and student has not returned.
- A student who was expelled and chose not to participate in a district approved alternative education program.
If a student receives a Certificate of Attendance and does not come back and complete the requirements for a diploma. The team would generate a Prior Written Notice, that acknowledges that the student’s eligibility has expired. Sent to last address kept on file in the student file.